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Aarukaalaadi OilINDICATIONS Jaundice, pitta ailments etc.DOSAGE Apply on the head.REFERE..
Abhayaarishtam INDICATIONS Piles, constipation, ascitis, and dropsy. Remove obstructions to ur..
Agastia RasaayanamINDICATIONS Cough, asthma, consumption, hiccough, fever, gulma,piles,hridrog..
Ajamaamsa RasaayanamINDICATIONS Consumption, cough, asthma, etc. Nourishes the body and ..
Amrutaadi OilINDICATIONS Vaatarakta, headache, burning sensation in the head, pitta ailments, ..
AmrutaarishtamINDICATIONS All types of fever, malaria, indigestion, etc. DOSAGE 15-30 ml..
Amrutakiranam OilINDICATIONS Headache, common cold, and chronic catarrh. DOSAGE Apply on..
Amrutapraasham INDICATIONS Impotency, kshatajakasam,shosham etc. For women, after delivery, th..
Amrutavrisha Patolaadi KashayamINDICATIONS Visarpam, skin ailments, itching, visphotam, ..
Amrutottaram KashayamINDICATIONS Fevers, vatasonitam, etc. Mild laxative.DOSAGE 15..
AnutailamINDICATIONS Jatroordwa rogas, sinusitis, headache, etc.DOSAGE 2-10 drops for Na..
AravindaasavamINDICATIONS Diseases of Children.DOSAGE 5-15 ml twice daily.REFERENCE ..
Ardhavilwam KashayamINDICATIONS Dropsy, constipation, etc. DOSAGE 15-20 ml with th..
Arimedaadi OilINDICATIONS Diseases of the mouth, especially in dental troubles. DOSAGE E..
ArimedastailamINDICATIONS Diseases of mouth and teeth.DOSAGE Gargling, applying on the t..