Ajmera Alargin Tablet

  • $20.00 (Free Shipping on orders over $100.00)

Ajmera Alargin Tablet

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Ajmera Alargin Tablet

Licenced Ayurvedic
Medicine Reseller


Ajmera Alargin Tablet

Alargin Tablet are a perfect solution of problems that occurs due to aging. Helps in curing skin infection, urticaria, sore throat and allergies in the respiratory system, these products are formulated via ayurvedic methodologies.
Features of our products include:
Acts as an Anti-bacterial and Anti allergic product.
Histamine release is controlled.
Mucous segregation and vascular permeability is decreased.
Combat allergy enhances immune system.

Alert impairment and drowsiness is stopped.  


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Tags: alargin, tablet, general