• Albo- sang tablet

Albo- sang tablet

  • Brand: J&J DeChane
  • Product Code: AFA1601
  • Weight: 100.00 Gram(s)
  • Availability: In Stock

  • $20.00 (Free Shipping on orders over $100.00)

Albo- sang tablet

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Albo- sang tablet

Licenced Ayurvedic
Medicine Reseller


Albo- sang tablet

Herbo- Mineral Preparation with multiple therapeutic uses

Description: Combination of essential minerals with important Indian herbs used in ayurvedic medicine. Provides the essential ingredients necessary for cell function and is also useful for patients whose digestion is poor.
Sudha kapa.
Aswagandha I.P. 1966 (Withania somnifera) 
Indications: As a supplement : To poor quality diet and for patients whose digestion is weak
In general debility: Associated with lack of mental and physical energy, senile debility, loss of memory and concentration, premature ageing due to disease or stress.
Infant feeding : Given with fresh milk for infants who are not breast-fed or bottle-fed. It improves digestion, bowel habits, general health, and helps weight gain.
Growing children : Meets the increased demand for minerals, and other nutrients, corrects malnutrition, improves appetite, mental and physical energy, and helps weight gain.
Nursing mothers : Supplies the increased demands of calcium, phosphorous and other minerals during pregnancy and lactation. Abolishes the strain of breast feeding and enriches breast milk.
Mental workers : To overcome physical and mental stress due to overwork and tension.
Elderly persons : For health restoration in old age.
Illness and Convalescence : Helps to raise the defence mechanism of the body, hastens quicker recovery by improving appetite and digestion.
Anaemia : As an adjunct in the treatment of anaemia. Corrects general debility, improves appetite.
Dosage: Albo-Sang powder is suitable for infants and children .
Adults may prefer tablets.
Can be taken with tea, coffee, milk, curds, porridge, fruit juice & any liquid food, or diluted with water .

Infants : 1/4 teaspoonful twice a day.
Children : 1/2 teaspoonful in milk twice a day.
Adults : 1 teaspoonful or 2 tablets twice a day.


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Tags: albo-, sang, tablet, debility