• Zandu Trishun tablet

Zandu Trishun tablet

  • $9.00 (Free Shipping on orders over $100.00)

Zandu Trishun tablet

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Zandu Trishun tablet

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Zandu Trishun tablet

Herbal Trishun strengthens immunity and fights cold. To avoid cold effectively, take Trishun at the first sign. If the cold is severe, Trishun provides rapid relief. Trishun taken with warm water, tea of coffee, treats cold and influences effectively.
Combines benefits of Sudershan Churna and Tribhuvan Kirti Rasa.
Sudarshan Churna has a principle herbal plant Swerita Chirata, whereas Tribhuvan Kirti Rasa combines medicinal plants which has capacity to relieve pain, and fever and contains piper longun (describes in sitopaladi Churna) to enhance immunity.
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Tags: trishun, tablet, fever