Consult with Doctor

Diabetes – Ayurvedic view

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According to Ayurveda, a holistic alternative medical science, the main cause of diabetes are fat, urine, and Kapha buildups due to foods, liquids, lifestyle, stress and others

It generally believes that any disease caused is due to doshic imbalance. The doshas are the three humors that govern the human body, they are vata, pitta and kapha. It includes diabetes in the prameha category, which are a list of urinary disorders especially characterized by profuse urination with several abnormal qualities.

Classical Ayurvedic therapy for madhumeha (diabetes) begins with an assessment of the dosha imbalance. In all types of pramehas (urinary disorders), kapha is vitiated, but in madhumeha, vata is often aggravated as well. Therefore, therapies will be directed at both vata and kapha simultaneously to restore the balance of the doshas.

By determining the causal imbalances at the basis of a disorder, an Ayurveda evaluation strikes the root causes of diabetes which are Overeating and consequent obesity, Excessive intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, Overloading of proteins and fats which get converted into sugar if taken in excess, Excessive tension, worry, anxiety & grief, Hereditary factors.

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Common ayurveda remedies include :
a) Diet restrictions -Avoid foods that increase kapha dosha like potatoes, rice, sugar, fatty foods and avoiding alcohol.
b) Exercise – Regular physical exercise  is a must for diabetics. Practising yogic asanas like ‘Halasan’, ‘Paschimottanasan” are found effective.
c) Panchakarma Therapy – The greatest benefit of Panchakarma is that it reduces the insulin resistance in the tissues in diabetics which is the primary goal in treating the diabetes.

i.e., Ayurveda also addresses the diet modification by eliminating sugar and simple carbohydrates, and emphasizing complex carbohydrates. Protein is limited, as excessive intake can damage the kidneys. Fat is also limited because there is often a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, making fat digestion difficult. Since many diabetics have autoantibodies,  Panchakarma is typically used for this cleansing the same. This begins with herbal massages and an herbal steam sauna, followed by fasting to cleanse the body. This is followed by an herbal purge for the liver, pancreas, and spleen. Colon therapy is next, first to cleanse the digestive tract and then to reconstitute the system.

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Diabetes- Life style modification

Ayurveda is the ‘Way of Life’ which addresses all the problems under the category of Lifestyle Diseases with time-tested methodologies.

Whatever sugar we take is generally broken down into simple sugar called ‘glucose’ in our body. This glucose circulates within the blood and enter into  the cells with the help of insulin. Insulin is a hormone, made within the Beta-cells of Pancreas. Due to sedentary life style and genetic predisposition, the beta cells are not able to make enough insulin, which is a key for glucose to enter into the cells. The key is not there and the glucose keeps on circulating within the blood. This is called Diabetes. .

Ayurveda treats the “whole person” and enable better successful  management of diabetes by taking care about their  psycho-social aspects faced by persons with diabetes too. Controlling Diabetes means reverting to a healthier lifestyle as below :

** Diet – Avoid sugar in any form-rice, potato, banana, cereals & fruits containing high percentage of sugar content.  Do away with fatty stuff. Go for the following low-calorie, low-fat alkaline diet of high quality natural foods. Emphasis should be on raw vegetables & herbs as they play a part in stimulating the pancreas and enhancing insulin production.

** Exercise – Shun a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise helps in burning fat, reducing stress and reducing weight. These are key ingredients of diabetes control. Cycling, swimming, jogging etc are helpful to fight diabetics.

** Yoga – Daily yoga routine of breathing exercises, meditation and poses  enhance digestion and help the pancreas and liver function more normally, regulating blood sugar levels. Cobra (Bhujang Asana) Locust (Shalabh Asana) Bow (Dhanur Asana)  are few asanas that help diabetics.

** Quit Smoking – if you smoke your body also is unable to respond to insulin. Smoking while having diabetes also increases your risk of getting complications such as eye, kidney and nerve problems.

** Reduce Alcohol Consumption – Many alcoholic drinks contain sugar. Excessive alcohol can decrease your blood sugar to dangerous levels.

** Occupation : Certain occupations like being a pilot, armed forces, deep sea diving and working on a ship are not advisable for persons with diabetes.

**  Don’t indulge in day-time sleep.

Obesity and Diabetes

In Ayurveda, Science of life, Obesity is known as Medo Roga and is defined as the condition in which excessive amount of fat is accumulated in the body. Itholds that when the agni, the digestive fire is vitiated, then the ama (toxic substances) is built up in the body,leading to obesity.
** In Ayurvedic theory, the body is said to contain three primal forces (tridosha) that work in tandem: vata, pitta and kapha. Excess kapha is said to cause obesity which increases the chances of getting Diabetes.** Generally Type 1 diabetes are completely unable to produce insulin whereas  Type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but their cells have become resistant to it.

Besides sugar utilization, Insulin is required for fat deposition in the body. In obese people, an ‘Insulin steal’ occurs : the fat ‘steals’ the Insulin from other cells, setting the stage for Diabetes. Thus the link between type 2 diabetes and obesity is firmly established. Without the intervention of a healthy diet and appropriate exercise, change in the sedentary life style in order to lower the elevated blood glucose level, obesity may develop into diabetes over a relatively short period of time.

The excessive fat interferes with body’s ability to use insulin properly. According to Ayurveda this is called ” Stroto-avarodh” i.e. blocked channels. This blockage in the channels of passage of insulin is reason for greater insulin resistance.

And following are the ayurvedic tips to fight obesity thereby prevents diabetes :
** Exercises like brisk walking, jogging, out door games etc help to reduce weight.
** Avoid taking curd the food and beverages which increase kapha and medha.
** Having sex frequently is also a good physical exertion
** Consume wheat products than rice products.
** Physical and mental exertion..
** Sleeping for less hours.

If the person is obese, then diabetes becomes more of a problem. In such people, an elaborate Ayurvedic system of treatment is used. The preliminary methods are a) Apatarpana (de-nourishment) and  b) Shamshodhana (cleansing)
In these methods, the fats built up in the body are reduced by de-nourishment of the body. This is followed by a cleansing of the toxins that have accumulated in the body. The Panchakarma method of cleansing the body may be used. Once this is done, then the body has to be rebuilt.

Diabetes and Yoga

Yoga is a  way of living that has a beneficial effect on diabetes, which is a lifestyle related condition due to an imbalance in handling a glucose load. It is a state in which pancreas not functions normally, no sufficient insulin is produced and so, the body is not capable to manage its food intake properly, body’s metabolism gets disturbed.

The yogic treatment like  Asanas (poses), Pranayama (breathing techniques), and Dhyana (meditation) restores the normal functioning of the pancreas and other glands of the endocrinal system. When these glands begin to function properly, the body chemistry becomes normal, the individual is fully cured of the diabetic disorders and his health is restored to normal level.

a)  Asanas :
** Yogic exercises enhance digestion and help the pancreas and liver function more normally, regulating blood sugar levels
** Asanas like Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose) and Janushirasana with Pashimotthanasana (Head-to-Knee with Stretching Pose) provide stimulation and rejuvenation to the cells of the pancreas and other endocrine glands by way of compression. Compression of these glands, followed by relaxation, causes an increased volume of highly oxygenated blood to reach the cells, bringing nourishment that rejuvenates atrophied cells.
**  The calmative effects by the practice of Savasana (Dead Body Pose) at correct intervals also contributes to the reversal of this so-called chronic, incurable disease.

b) Pranayama :
** It  reduces the drug requirement, develops a sense of well-being and normalization of  the insulin / Glucose ratios.
**  Alternate nostril breathing has calming effect on nervous system, which reduces stress levels, helping in diabetes treatment.

c) Dhyana :
** Stress hormones increase sugar levels in the blood. By  regular meditation one can manage stress by bringing balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems.
** Concentration on pancreas during the meditation practice has shown positive effects on sugar levels.
** It results in a stabilization of moods and increases a feeling of being more in control  which may help in diet control.

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Consult with Doctor

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