Consult with Doctor

Jaundice- Ayurveda concept

Ayurveda describes kaamala or Jaundice as one of the major diseases of yakrit or liver.
When a person indulges on diet which increases pitta, like excessive alcohol intake, heavy, oily, and spicy food, pitta becomes aggravated and results in disease of blood, muscle tissue, biliary system and liver.  These then manifest as kaamala or jaundice.  It is also mentioned in the texts that if a person is anemic he is more prone to kaamala.
Yellowish discolouration of the eyes, nails, skin, and oral cavity.
Yellowish/reddish discolouration of faeces and urine.
Generalized weakness
Burning sensation
Loss of appetite and taste
Vague body pains
Weakness in all sensory organs and emaciation

There are different types of Kaamala described in Ayurveda

Shakasritha:  There is only mild aggravation of pitta and vata in this type of Kaamala and this can be cured relatively easily.

Kumbha Kaamala:  If not treated Kaamala in due course turns into Kumbha Kaamala and becomes difficult to treat.

Panaki:  This is considered to be late/advanced stage of Kaamala.

Haleemaka:  This is an advanced stage of pandu roga (anemia).  This occurs when both vata and pitta are vitiated.  The disease is manifested with greenish-yellow discolouration, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, body ache, burning sensation, loss of taste and dizziness.

Jaundice and Liver diseases- Ayurvedic diet

The diet for Jaundice and Liver diseases should aim to balance pitta dosha.
Inclusion Diet
As pitta will be elevated, diet should include those which help in cooling.
As there is imbalance of agni diet should be an easy to digest one.
Most fresh fruits are acceptable but exclude acid forming fruits.
Eat vegetable raw or steamed with slight ghee to help the agni to burn evenly.
Most grains are acceptable, cooling leaves such as coriander and spices like cumin will provide added advantage.
Cardamom, cilantro, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, mint, saffron, and tumeric aids.
Sweet and bitter vegetables are preferable so is sweet and ripe fruits.
Go for the boiled & spice less diet with lots of vegetables like radish leaves, tomato etc.
Dried dates with almonds & Cardamoms are useful.
Have plenty of sugarcane juice, orange juice, and barley water.

Exclusion Diet
Oily foods, fried foods, and excess spices should be avoided at all cost.
Avoid salted nuts and fries.
Diary and heavy meat not to be consumed.
Do not eat late at night and avoid irregular eating habits.
Also avoid afternoon sleeping, exposure to hot sun, exertion, anxiety, alcohol abuse, and smoking.

Meals should be eaten slowly and calmly with an attitude of reverence and gratitude.

Jaundice and liver disease management with Ayurvedic medicines

Treatment of all liver diseases in Ayurveda concentrates on Pitta dosha rather than the organ itself.  All liver diseases has imbalance of pitta and agni.  Apart from this ojus is also affected.  As liver is the basis of Pachaka Pitta, all diseases of liver can be treated concomitantly by treating Pachaka Pitta.  Liver is also an organ of fire, All Bhuta-Agnis: Nabhasa Agni, Vayavya Agni, Tejo Agni, Apo Agni, and Parthiva Agni are situated here.  These agnis and Ranchaka pitta originating in the liver serve to break down substances into their respective elemental factors ( akasham, vayu, thejus, ap, and prithvi) and distribute them to the appropriate tissues or dhatus in the body.
Bearing all these in mind, an ayurvedic physician treats liver diseases considering them as pitha rogas (diseases manifested through the vitiation of pitha). The medicines and diets that alleviate pitha are commonly used for all types of liver diseases.
The herbs that are effective for treating liver disorders are:
Bhumyamalaki , Bhringaraj , Turmeric , Guduchi , Haritaki , Kalmegha , Kutki ,Musta , Pippali , Punarnava , and Licorice.
Panchakarma has been proven of good help.  Rasayana therapies after panchakarma should include pippali.  Apart from these Pippalyadi choornam, pippali vardhamana yogam, pippalichitraka gritham, pippali gritham, chitraka gritham, rohitha gritham and maharohita gritham can be used with good efficacy.
For Kaamala and Pandu, snehanam with Kalyanaka Gritham, Panchagavyam, or Mahathiktakam is preferred.  Thereafter proper Virechana should be done.  Triphala, amruth, etc should be used daily with honey.

Yoga for Hepatic disease

A yogasana aims to attain a sustained and comfortable sitting posture to facilitate meditation.  They also have wide range of therapeutic use.  Meditation helps to calm the mind.  Yoga also helps to cultivate Sattva and Ojas which is critical for a positive mind frame and healing process.

Asanas most helpful in hepatic conditions are vajraasana, shalabhasana, halasana, padahastasana, abdomen lift and stomach lift.
Apart from the above Ardha Navasana works on liver, gall-bladder and spleen and helps to strengthen abdominal muscles.  Sarvangasana works on glands and inner organs, especially heart and liver.  Halasana stimulates stomach, spleen, small intestines, heart, liver, gall bladder, & kidney.  Paschimothasana aids in condition of enlarged liver and spleen.  Salabhasana stimulates pranic flow in the lung, stomach, spleen, heart, liver, small intestine, pericardium, & bladder meridians, increase digestive fire, and maximizes use of all nutrients, produce body heat.  Dhanurasana helps to restore energy, vigor, youthful vitality, stimulates lung, small intestine, stomach, liver, & urinary bladder meridians.
In addition to these Ardha matsyendrasana, Mayurasana Trikonasana , and shavasana , also assist in hepatic conditions.
Care should be taken while performing Yoga and should be done only at morning or evening.  Pranayama helps in all disease conditions.  Chanting of manthra and meditation in a quiet place is important to heal different emotions associated with liver.  Nature walk and gazing at moon also helps to balance pitta.

To buy medicines for Jaundice click here

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