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Memory Ayurvedic concept

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Ayurveda, knowledge of life is based on the fundamental principle of Tridoshas. It states that memory is a capacity of the brain to retain information about the past thereby helps us in planning our future.  By undergoing an effective ayurvedic treatment a sluggish memory can be transformed to a quick recalling/long retention.

Our body is made up of three humors (bio energies) vatta (ether and air), pitta(water and fire) and kapha (water and earth) and they are found in every cell, tissue and organ of each one of us in different combinations and permutations. When they are balanced it is very supportive to all aspects of mental and physical activities. It is when one of these doshas get vitiated symptoms of any disorders appear.

It believed in the fact when digestive fire (agni) is disturbed by the incompatible intakes and emotional factors, it leads to ingestion thereby creating toxins(ama) which circulates throughout the body creating disorders including memory loss etc.,

If a person’s vata dosha is balanced he can be more focused and learn something new easily.  If the pitta dosha is imbalanced then it effects the intermediate memory fuction. It is kapha dosha which lubricates and nourishes the tissues of the brain is weak the long term memory suffer.Hence it is important to keep all the doshas in balance as each has its contribution to the recalling memory in its own way.

It advises one to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, to take ayurvedic herbal formulations, take enough fat, get enough sleep, do a regular exercise along with a yoga asanas along with meditation which are believed to be an excellent tone for memory retention.  Ayurveda   recommends one to keep the mind clear sharp and focused which indirectly helps in having a good memory power.

Memory Disorders- Ayurveda concept

Memory disorder is a state when a person finds it very difficult to store and retrieve the memory of any events or informations. When any person is affected with diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, malnutrition, consumption of alcoholism or brain injury then he might be affected with this disorder.

It can be accepted that each one of us will tend to forget few things from time to time, but it is when it occurs so frequently that it affects the daily activities it can be said that we suffer from memory disorder.

There are different types of memory disorder depending upon its intensity  and it varies from a minor short term memory loss to severe Alzheimer’s disease and the  patient experience so much difficulty in communicating, learning, thinking that it will totally affect their life individually/socially. Anterograde amnesia persons cannot remember the things that had happened in distant past but can very well remember the things which happened an hour ago.

In Ayurveda these states of a patient is called as smruthi nasha, the  main reason is due to the depletion of the tissue elements and when the accumulated excess bio energies moves upward. Manovaha srotas channels is the carrier of impulses whose prime responsibility is memory. When the satva guna (pure and consciousness) is present then the channel is kindled in a positive way. On the other hand when tamaha (darkness of the person – passivity and ignorance) is present then it results in the malfunction of the mental activities including memory loss. Hence one should aim at increasing sattiv guna and get rid of tamasic guna which is the root cause of all mental disorders.

Memory disorders – Diet and Lifestyle

Ayurveda, a Science of life states that most important thing that helps in dealing with memory disorders is a proper diet that nourishes brain tissues accompanied with a healthy lifestyle. It recommends the following:


Wake up early in the morning and go for a brisk walking. Then do an abhyanga (oil massage) which removes the toxins from the body. Physical activities like playing outdoor games help a lot.

During your leisure hours always be active by involving yourself in reading, crossword puzzles etc.

It has been found that sleeping for eight hours after learning helps the brain to transfer the learnt skills to its permanent memory banks.

Peace of mind helps a lot to enhance the memory power. Hence try to cultivate it by leading a healthy and a balanced life style. Learn to handle the stressful situations in life tactfully without affecting yourself, if you cannot do it then avoid those situations.

Be regular in yogic practice as it balances mental, physical and emotional stress and its breathing exercises help a lot in improving memory power.

Diet :

Take a lot of green vegetables, fresh organic fruits, whole grains, high protein, high quality fatty foods, milk and its products in your diet as they nourishes brain tissue.

Take walnuts, sunflower seeds, turmeric, almonds, cashews, blueberries as they boost memory. Organic ghee and olive oil should be used for cooking.

Include ginger, garlic, cinnamon, clove, black pepper, basil, thyme and rosemary as they help in stimulating the Agni. (Digestive fire).

Vitamin B 12, vitamin C , vitamin E and magnesium too are found helpful in keeping the memory sharp. As they has anti-stress ingredients in it which is important for learning and retrieving ability.

Take ayurvedic herbal products like brahmi, triphala as they improve the flow of nutrients to the brain and nerve cells.

Also Ayurveda asks us to avoid working for long hours/ doing a very difficult mental work/work that does not need mind application at all, as these are also the reasons for memory loss.

Memory Disorders – Ayurvedic Medicines

Ayurvedic Medicine, a system of  traditional healing system treats Memory disorders by suggesting a modified life style, yogic practice along with its herbal formulations. The Medhya herbs that improves the co ordination between the learning process(dhi) and retention process(dhriti) and then helps in long term memory(smriti). Ayurveda largely depends on the plant kingdom for its preparation of medicine to treat any form of diseases in which phytochemicals are more concentrated which improves memory.

Brahmi improves one to overcome the negative effects of the stress and promotes the memory. It helps the student in focusing what he learns and elders in regaining their lost memory power. This improves the protein activity and synthesis in the brain cells thereby contributes to the memory power and mental clarity.

Ashwagandha – one of the herbs that promote ojas, rejuvenates the whole body. As it is a very good in treating the stress related problems it is known for increasing memory and learning capabilities.

Gotu Kola – a herb that improves the collagen  thereby the brain capillaries are protected and mental alertness is created. It acts as a calming agent and plays a significant role in enhancing the memory.

Morning Glory – a herb that is used for general nervous disorders and it has several alkaloids that have sympathomimetic properties when used as a brain tonic, thereby improves memory.

Triphala – a combination of three fruits amalaki which works on pitta dosha, haritaki which works on vata dosha and vibhitaki which works on kapha dosha resulting in strengthening it. It is a nerving tonic that treats the weak memory, anxiety and it improves the circulation in b rain and revitalizes the nervous system and enhances the memory.

Shankhapushpi – a brain tonic that improves mental functionality/has a rejuvenating property that increases the memory.
Below Ayurvedic medicines helps in improving the memory by stimulating the brain cells, building neutral and mental stamina, reducing the stress and brings tranquility. They also helps in destroying the toxins found in brain and nerves thereby contributing to the strong memory power.

Brahmi capsules, Brahmi ghrit, brahmi vati (with gold), Bravobol capsule, brento syrup, capsule, Chyavansakthi, Cognium , Dasamoolarishtam, Jasmin Absolute , Memocap Capsule , Mentat Tablets ,  Gotu Kola , Normeta Capsules ,  Triphala Valerian Root  and Vatkulantak Ras

Memory Disorders – Ayurveda Panchakarma

Ayurveda, an Indian medical system of natural healing believes that  memory disorders is due to the imbalance of Tridoshas (vatta, pitta, kapha) and it can be treated with Panchakarma, a unique detoxification/purification/rejuvenating therapy.
Its preparatory Processes loosen the toxins accumulated in the body.

a) Snehana – Here a whole body is massaged using medicated oils. This helps the body to liquefy excess doshas and the toxins that have been trapped in the body and  is moved towards the gastro intestinal tract.
b) Swedana – Here medicated steam is used to further loosening of the toxins and then moving it to the gastro intestinal tract.

Its main processes expel the toxins that are loosened during the preparatory phase.
a) Vamana – Here medicated decoction is administered which liquefies the toxins found in the upper digestive tract and is eliminated through vomiting.
b) Virechana – Here medicated herbs are ingested which detoxifies the lower digestive tract and accumulated toxins are expelled through anus.
c) Basti – Here the herbal concoctions are introduced in to the rectum and toxins from the large intestine is eliminated through anus.
d) Nasya – Nose is the way to the brain and consciousness. Herbal medications are administered through nose. Prana, the Life energy enters the body through nasal passage thereby governing the mental activates, memory power and all mind related activities. Hence nasal administration is very much effective for all kind of memory disorders.

Shirodhara – Here different types of medicated oil are being poured continuously on the forehead by using a specially designed copper pot. It helps to calm down the doshas in the head region thereby brings about mental rejuvenation, tranquility and promotes the memory power.

Shirovirechana – Here different types of medicated oil and nasal snuffs are being administered in the nostril which  cleans the nasal passages and opens the brain channels and eliminates the trapped toxins. This treatment is found effective for memory disorders.

Memory Disorders – Yoga

Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional way of Indian healing system   believes that all the activities are combination of both physic and physical factors and that any illness including memory disorders too involves both of these aspects. Hence it deals with both while treating the same.

Memory is the capacity to retain and then recollect the information about all the past and present situations. Ayurvedic treatment  includes regular yogic practice which helps to flush out the toxins that are blocked in channels. It also increases the circulation of blood to the brain thereby improving the concentration and memory power. It is a  discipline that includes asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and dhyana (meditation).

Asanas – The gentle  stretches of body postures when done slowly and with a focused mind cleans the organs of the body and helps in eliminating the trapped toxins from the channels thereby increasing the memory power.  Inverted postures increases the blood supply to brain which aids in enhancing the intellectual powers and also treats the memory disorders. Vrikshasana or the tree pose and Natarajasana or the dancer’s pose helps to improve balance/concentration thereby toning up the memory power.

Pranayama – Breathing techniques helps the mind to focus on the inhale and exhale of our breath and the oxygen or prana (energy) flow is increased in the body and brain.  This leads to concentration and treats all kinds of memory disorders.

Dhyana – It strengthens one’s mind and helps one drastically reduces the unnecessary and irrelevant thoughts and thinking. It helps one to attain calm and a tension free mind. When one meditates on the third eye between the eye brows, the  brain activation and the memory power is increased.

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