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Category Archives: Neurology

Rhue oil – from immobility to mobility

Click Here to buy Rhue Oil here! Contents Cedrus deodara tail 15%, Mahanarayan tail 10%, Gaultheria fragrantissima tail 10%, Brassica campestris tail 10%, Cinnamomum camphora 9%, Eucalyptus globules tail 8%, Trachyspermum ammi 7%, Mentha piperita 7%, Celastrus paniculata tail 5%, Mahaviahgarbh tail 5%, Mahamash tail 5%, Vitex negundo tail 5%, Cinnamomum zeylanicum tail 2%, Syzygium … Continue reading Rhue oil – from immobility to mobility

R-Pairyn tablet- to restore mobility.

Click Here! to buy R-Pairyn Tablet here Each R.Pairyn tablet contains: Ashwagandha ( Withannia somnifera) 40mg, Mahayograj gulggul 80mg, Trayodasnga guggul 40mg, Maharasnadi ghan 30mg, Shanka bhasma 30mg. Action: Modifies auto immune response, decreases morning stiffness, and ensures improvement and maintenance of joint functions. Indications 1. Rheumatic arthritis. 2. Infective polyarthritis. 3. Osteoarthritis. 4. Arthralgia. … Continue reading R-Pairyn tablet- to restore mobility.

Diabecon- the beacon of hope for diabetics

To buy Himalaya Diabecon special offer Click Here! Action of the formulation- Diabecon increases the peripheral utilisation of glucose and the hepatic and muscle glycogen content. Diabecon promotes β- cell repair/ regeneration and increases the C- peptide level. As it has antioxidant properties, Diabecon protects the β- cells from oxidative stress. Diabecon exerts insulin like action. … Continue reading Diabecon- the beacon of hope for diabetics

Bipasil- restores normal blood pressure in hypertensive; controls anxiety and tension.

Each Bipasil tablet contains: Rauwolfia serpentina 60mg, Tribulus terrestris 20mg, Paederia foetida 20mg, Boerhavia diffusa 20mg, Alpina galanga 20mg and Withania somnifera 20mg. Action of the formulation: Bipasil causes depletion of peripheral catecholamine stores, which results in a reduction of blood pressure. Bipasil decreases the adrenergic tone and controls anxiety and is therefore beneficial in … Continue reading Bipasil- restores normal blood pressure in hypertensive; controls anxiety and tension.

Chyawanprash- Magical polyherbal combination arrests aging.

Click here! To order Dabur Chyawanprash Online now The chyawanprash is a classical lehya preparation. Its recipe is scripted in almost all the texts like Charak samhita, Susrutha samhita, Ashtanga hridaya and Ashtanga samgraha. There is a mythological story behind Chyawanprash. According to Mahabharata Chyawan was one of the eight sons of Bhrigu and Puloma. He … Continue reading Chyawanprash- Magical polyherbal combination arrests aging.