Consult with Doctor

Ayurveda Medicine

Ayurvedic medicine

an ancient Indian healing  system is right in sync with our growing awareness of the mind-body connection and  places  equal emphasis on body, mind, and spirit and strives to restore the innate harmony of the individual.


The basic concept of  Ayurvedic medicine is that  the body is seen as a microcosmic universe in which the five primordial elements (panchamahabhutas) – ether (akasha), air (vayu), fire (agni), water (jala) and earth (prithvi) – combine to form three humours (doshas), known as wind (vata), choler (pitta) and phlegm (kapha). It’s believed each dosha has its own qualities and functions in relation to the body.

The balance between these doshas determines individual constitution (prakriti) and predisposition to disease. Constitution is also affected by the strength of a person’s ‘digestive fire’ (agni) and bowel function (kostha).Seven tissues (dhatus) and their waste products (malas) make up the physical body and a network of channels circulate fluids and essences around the body.  Three interdependent universal constituents, the three gunas – purity (sattva), activity (rajas) and solidity (tamas) – also influence health and determine mental qualities.

Disease occurs if lifestyle, mental or external factors cause an imbalance in one or more of these components. Ayurvedic medicine treats the majority of its patients using herbal mixtures, other organic food and substances  that have been clinically tested and are now being scientifically validated..


Its uniqueness lies in its treatment plan which is tailored to the body type and individual imbalances among the vata, pitta, and kapha within and include dietary changes, exercise, yoga, meditation, massage, herbal tonics, herbal sweat baths, medicated enemas, and medicated inhalations.

Ayurvedic medicine gets rid the body of its indigestible toxins which attract viruses and compromise autoimmune processes and responses. Ayurvedic physicians pay close attention to pulse, tongue, eyes, and nails in diagnosing illness. Diagnosis is based on observation rather than laboratory testing. The doctor enquires the patient about his health and family histories. In addition, he may palpate the body, or listen to the heart, lungs, and intestines with a stethoscope. He use urine samples and the pulse to describe the balance (or imbalance) of the three doshas. Ayurvedic treatment then consists of cleansing and detoxification (Shodan or Pancha Karma), palliation (Shaman) to balance and relax the three doshas, rejuvenation (Rasayana), and mental hygiene and spiritual healing (Satvajaya)
At present the Ayurveda medicine is well set to re-orient itself to modern scientific parameters. Simultaneously, it is well poised for much greater, effective utilization to benefit the whole humanity to reach its goals of Health. Ayurveda medicine which started as a magico-religious practice, matured into a fully developed medical science with eight branches which have parallels in the modern western system of medicine and it has developed into following sixteen specialities
1. Ayurveda Siddhanta (Fundamental Principals of Ayurveda).
2. Ayurveda Samhita.
3. Rachna Sharira (Anatomy).
4. Kriya Sharira (Physiology).
5. Dravya Guna Vigian (Materia Medica & Pharmacology).
6. Ras-shastra.
7. Bhaishajya Kalpana (Pharmaceuticals).
8. Kaumar Bharitya (Peduatrics).
9. Prasuti Tantra (Obstetrics & Gynaecology).
10. Swasth-Vritla (Social & Preventive Medicine).
11. Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine).
12. Rog Nidan (Pathology).
13. Shalya Tantra (Surgery
14. Shalkya Tantra (Eye & ENT).
15. Mano-Roga (Psychiatry)
16. Panchkarma.
The main part of Ayurveda Medicine is Herbal Tonics or Rasayanas which  are prepared according to the Vedic traditional standards practiced in ancient times. They are made of only 100% natural ingredients, using only the best of the Ayurveda and Western herbs and spices, ghee (purified butter), raw honey, dried fruits, Sucanat (unprocessed sugar) and natural flavors. They are prepared by hand (the old custom), using utensils of copper, iron and clay. Being highly nutritious and antioxidant they provide many elements which are lacking in the modern diet. formulated with the intention of bringing back into balance one or more of the five elements, which get put out of balance from improper diet etc. In return this promotes balance on the physical, mental and subtle levels of our being which will add life to our years as well as years to your life.

Ayurveda medicine does not believe in trying to kill viruses in the body with powerful chemicals, but believes in assisting the bodies own healing energies with the proper harmonizing herbs and the ideal individual diet. This way the immune system will work the way nature intended it to.

Ayurveda and Herbal Medicines

Ayurveda, an ancient system of Indian medicine, eradicates  the cause of any ailments at its  root level and aims at preventng it from reoccurring in future. It operates on the following concept :

a) Individual constitution (prakriti) is made of unique combination of three doshas pitta, vata and kapha.
b) Vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats that are taken by us, are being bio transformed by kaya (agni) to an energy, that is being used by our cells present in our body.
c) Consitution is also governed by kostha which is bowel function.
c) It believes that the physical body and a network of channels that circulate fluids around the body is made up of dhatus (seven tissues) and their malas (waste products).
d) Apart from all the above, the  three gunas viz – purity (sattva), activity (rajas) and solidity (tamas)  also plays an important role in mental and physical health of an individual.

In this stress filled modern era, everybody leads an improper lifestyle and consumes an unwholesome diet, by which an imbalance in one or more of the above mentioned components occurs thereby creating body ailments.

**Naturally grown herbs are pure and has an innate power of nature in it and cures the chronic ailments by providing balance to the body. It believes that vegetables, animals, mineral origins, metals have some medicinal value. Ayurvedic medicaments are made from herbs or mixtures of herbs with alone or in mixture of above and they are purified before being used.
** Ayurvedic medicines which is prepared based on the natural ingredients like plants, animals, metals, minerals ensures a physical and mental health and has not side effect at all.
** It is non toxic and non invasive and can be used safely as an alternative alongside of the other conventional therapy.
** Rasayanas  improves the metabolic activites and provides one with an improved memory power, strong body, a glowing skin, youthfulness etc.,
** Basically it aims at preserving  and  promoting  health and  curing  diseases.  It treats all types of ailments like stress, metabolic related or chronic conditions.
** There are evidences where it has treated nervous disorders, skin problems, ulcers, acne, allergies, asthma, diabetes, hypertension etc.  It has also helped in fighting insomnia and depression.

World Health organization has accepted Ayurvedic medicines, known as herbal medicines,   as an alternative medicine, whose raw materials are taken from plant, minerals, animal sources.  It is now a statutory, and a recognised medical system of health care in many countries like India. Present generation  has accepted the Ayurvedic medicine as a way of life, they find it more transparent in its concept and results.

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